Hanging out in downtown Nashville is an experience unlike any other. However, even the best experiences aren’t without their issues. In Nashville’s case, like most big cities, parking is one of the biggest hurdles you’ll have to face before you get to enjoy this wonderful city.
As a Nashville resident, you know that parking downtown can be hard to come by, especially on weekends. With street parking as one of only a few options available to you, it's simply an unavoidable part of your life behind the wheel. So, if you have to park on the street, you may as well stay safe. Below are some basic things every Beaman Toyota driver can do to ensure the safety of their vehicle when parking on the street.
Having to parallel park on a busy street can certainly be nerve-wracking. In fact, parallel parking is something that many drivers struggle with, but it’s still an important skill to master. So, how comfortable are you with parallel parking? More importantly, can you parallel park? Because if the answer to either of these questions is no, you may want to just pony up the twenty-or-so bucks required to gain access to an oversaturated parking garage. However, if you have the mettle to take on the tall task of parallel parking on a busy city street, keep reading.
With more and more people moving to major metropolitan areas each year, parking in areas like Dayton is getting harder and harder to find, while inventory for car thieves has never been higher. However, if you follow these steps, you can rest easy knowing that you've done all you can to protect your car while it's parked on the street.
Looking to start some new Thanksgiving traditions this year? We’ve got you covered with three of our favorites from the crew at Beaman Toyota. No matter the age-range of the family, we’re sure everyone will love these.
Not only do butcher paper tablecloths make for easy cleanup after dinner, but they also encourage creativity at the table. Leave crayons and pens near each seat so that guests can doodle at their leisure. You can also ask that the family write down what they’re thankful for in preparation for sharing later.
If everyone has made a list of what they’re thankful for, everyone will be ready to share with the group. Take a moment before dessert to make time for each family member and friend to toast the things that bring them joy and gratitude.
You may feel that it’s rude to have your cell phone out at dinner, but that’s not the case when you’re using it to connect with a family member or friend who couldn’t make it to dinner. With FaceTime and other video chat options, you can invite the far-away aunts, uncles, and family friends to enjoy dinner with you.
From all of us at Beaman Toyota, we hope you have a happy Thanksgiving.